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Nutrients that can be combined and it's good to consume them together

Dietary guidelines usually simplify things by telling us how much of a vitamin or mineral we should take. By dividing nutrients in this simple way, the guidelines become relatively easy to understand, and this kind of thinking probably helps us avoid nutrient deficiency diseases, such as scurvy (inadequate vitamin C).

But most of the nutrients aren't on their own. They interact, sometimes joining forces, and in other cases, neutralising each other. You've probably heard that taking in vitamin-rich foods is a better option than vitamin supplements. One reason for this is that foods contain a mixture of substances that interact with each bite.

Here is a list of nutrients that work in pairs. It is only exemplary and far from exhaustive. But we hope it will help you when you choose your food.

Vitamin D and calcium

Like most nutrients, calcium is best absorbed in the small intestine. It is important because it strengthens the bones, but the body often needs Vitamin D to absorb it better. HPD also brings many other benefits to the body.

At the moment, nutrition guidelines recommend that adults take 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 400 International Units (IU) Vit D daily (equal to 10 mg). For older people, the daily dose is slightly higher: 1 200 mg of calcium from the 50th year and 600 IU (15 mg) of Vit D after the age of 70.

To illustrate what this quantity means, we will give the following example: one cup of milk of 236 milliliters contains 300 mg of calcium and due to enrichment, 2 mg of Vit D.

Sodium and Potassium

Sodium is an important nutrient, but many people overdo it with the daily dose, mainly because of salt.

Excess sodium interferes with the natural ability of blood vessels to relax and expand, raising blood pressure and increasing the chances of stroke or heart attack.

But potassium helps the kidneys to secrete sodium. Many studies have shown a link between high potassium intake and lower, healthier blood pressure. According to these guidelines, adults should receive 4 700 mg of potassium and 1 200 mg to 1 500 mg of sodium daily.

To meet these criteria, you need to follow the general guidelines for healthy eating. To increase the intake of potassium, load with fruits and vegetables. To reduce sodium intake, reduce cookies, salty snacks, fast foods and ready lunches and dinners.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid

Vitamin B12 and folic acid (also one of the eight B vitamins) form one of the best couples in nutrition. B12 helps the body absorb folic acid, and they work together to support cell division and replication, allowing the body to replace dying cells. This process is important during growth in childhood, but also in the body of adults. Cells that cover the stomach and cells of the hair follicle, for example, divide and replicate frequently.

Good sources of Vit B12 are:

  • The meat;

  • The Eggs;

  • The milk.

Natural sources of folic acid are:

  • Green leafy vegetables;

  • Bob;

  • Other legumes.

Dietary guidelines recommend 2.4 micrograms of B12 and 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. This can usually be easily achieved by following a fairly well-balanced diet.

However, vegans, i.e. people who do not eat meat and other animal products, may have a B12 deficiency. And those who eat poorly or drink too much alcohol may have folate deficiency.

Folic acid deficiency can be corrected with multivitamins or folic acid tablets. If you are deficient in B12, you can take injections every few months or take one pill a day.

Deficiency in one or both of the vitamins can cause a form of anemia called macrocytic anemia. B12 deficiency can also cause a slight tingling sensation and memory loss.

Zinc and copper

Copper and zinc do not work together, in fact, they compete for places to be absorbed into the small intestine. If there is a lot of zinc, copper tends to be lost and copper deficiency can develop. Knowledge of this interaction is used in the treatment of people with a certain eye disease causing blindness, in which a large amount of zinc is used. For this reason, copper is added to the therapy to compensate for the deficiency caused by the increased amount of zinc intake.

Niacin and tryptophan

Niacin is one of the B vitamins, sometimes known by its pseudonym as vitamin B3. The daily need for niacin is 16 mg for men and 14 mg for women. Niacin deficiency causes pellagra, a disease causing rash, diarrhea, and dementia. Tryptophan, an amino acid, is a source of niacin. So one way to avoid niacin deficiency is to eat foods that contain a lot of tryptophan, such as chicken and turkey.

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